Home Insulation Services in Birmingham, AL
Everyone wants to live comfortably in their homes throughout the year. The trouble is that heating and air conditioning doesn't come for free, and some homeowners find themselves facing heating and cooling costs that are somewhat prohibitive. If this is the case in your home, it may be due to subpar insulation in your house. It is your home’s insulation, after all, that is responsible for preventing the unwanted transfer of heat both into and out of your home.
If your insulation is insufficient, or if it has degraded over time and is therefore compromised, then you can expect to encounter a number of different issues in your home. Fortunately, our insulation technicians are never more than a phone call away, and we are more than happy to ensure that you have the right amount of insulation, of the right efficiency, in every area of your home. Just contact Douglas Cooling & Heating of Birmingham, AL today to work with an insulation expert on our staff.
Douglas Cooling & Heating offers professional insulation services in Birmingham, AL and the surrounding areas.
Why You Need the Right Amount of Insulation, and the Right R–Value
Having too little efficiency is obviously a major problem, as it is going to allow for excessive heat transfer in your home. This means that it will let too much heat into your home from the air outside in the summer, and that too much heat from within your home will transfer to the world outside in the winter. It is in heat’s nature to move from warmer areas to cooler ones, after all. Having the right amount of insulation helps to prevent this problem.
Don’t forget, though, that having too much insulation or insulation of too high an R–value—insulation’s measure of efficiency—is also problematic. This can make it impossible for your home to breathe, which is necessary for natural ventilation. Homes really are not meant to be hermetically sealed. All that you really need to know in addition to this, though, is that you can simply dial our number in order to guarantee that your insulation services are of the highest quality possible.
Types of Insulation for Your Home
Important as it is that you have sufficient insulation throughout your home, you must also keep in mind the fact that there are various types of insulation out there to choose from. Ensuring that the right insulation is used in the right situations is paramount. Spray foam insulation, for instance, is great for areas that are difficult to access or that are oddly shaped. Spray foam insulation hardens upon drying, and must be handled by a trained professional. Blown–in insulation is another option to consider, and is used in similar circumstances. It is also commonly used to insulate attics, and makes use of recycled materials. Your air ducts themselves should also be insulated, so that the air that you pay to heat and cool is not affected by temperature fluctuations as it is distributed throughout your home via your air ducts.
No matter what type of insulation you may require in your home, you can count on us to install it properly. We can also replace any insulation that may be damaged in your household, and assess the condition of your insulation in order to determine what type of service may be most appropriate. Contact us today to learn more about your insulation options.