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When Should I Schedule Maintenance vs. Repair?

Repairman in uniform and clipboard greeting a housewife at the front door.

Seasonal change is springing up all around us. It’s getting gorgeous out there! But if you’ve lived in Alabama for long, you know that spring is all too quickly followed by the thick, heavy heat of summer. You’ve got to be ready for it! Have you started your spring cleaning and home maintenance routine? How’s your air conditioner doing? Is it ready for the hot days ahead? Does it need maintenance, or perhaps repair? Here’s what to consider.

Air Conditioners Need Annual Maintenance

Every single year, ideally in the early spring, a central or ductless AC system needs to be checked over and tuned up by a qualified HVAC technician. Why? After last year’s long, hot summer and then the months of sitting unused during the cold weather, your air conditioner is a dusty mess, with lubricant worn away or dried up, and there could be a lot of minor things wrong. Maintenance will sort them out before they become major problems.

During the maintenance process, your technician will inspect the entire system in addition to a comprehensive cleaning and re-lubricating. All that vibration can cause things to loosen or slip out of position. Parts may have worn out and need to be replaced. The electrical components are also tested to make sure everything is operating safely and is correctly calibrated.

Heat Pumps Need Twice-Annual Maintenance

If you have a ducted or ductless heat pump system, you’ve probably been running that all winter as well. Because they do twice as much work over twice as much time, they need twice-a-year maintenance. This addresses all the wear and tear that occurs over the winter as well as the summer. Make sure you schedule heat pump maintenance appointments for both spring and fall so your system will be ready for all your year-round needs.

Repairs Should Not Be Postponed

We hope you didn’t shut down your AC last fall, knowing it was struggling, and simply left it that way all winter. Getting repairs done as soon as possible really helps prevent problems from getting worse and leading to more damage and more costly repairs. But if you are aware that your air conditioner has been struggling, you’ll need to have it fixed before summer arrives. Make an appointment right away!

What are the signs that an air conditioner needs some professional care and attention? Odd noises, unpleasant smells, not enough cool air, poor distribution of cooling that leaves hot spots, short cycles with frequent shutdowns, and rising energy bills all point to a problem that requires expert repair.

Whenever you need maintenance or repair for your air conditioner in Birmingham, AL, or just need to ask a quick question about something like air filter changes, we’re delighted to be of service. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

“Your experience is what matters most!” Contact Douglas Cooling & Heating today for help with all your HVAC needs.

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