Douglas Cooling & Heating Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Installation’

How Long Do Furnaces Last?

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

It’s starting to get chilly out there. You’re going to be thankful that you have a furnace soon! But how long have you had that furnace? Has it been many years since you had it installed? Maybe it was in place when you purchased your home, and you don’t even know exactly how long it’s been there.

Part of knowing when you need to plan for heating system replacement is keeping track of the age of your furnace. Knowing how long different heating systems last may be a factor in what you choose for a replacement. So how long do furnaces last? Do some last longer than others? How can you maximize your furnace’s lifespan? We’ve got the info you need. When you need furnace installation in Shelby County, AL, you can count on us.

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AFUE Ratings & Furnace Installation: What to Know

Monday, February 26th, 2024

If it’s time for a new furnace, you might be trying to figure out a lot of information at once. Should you get the same kind of furnace you had before? Are there better options available now? Might it be worth converting from gas to electric, or vice versa? Getting the answers to as many of your questions as possible will help you to make a choice you’ll be happy with in the long term.

We’d like to help you to gather the information you need. Some of the most important things to understand are AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) ratings, and what to expect from furnace installation. Here are the facts. 

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Our Not-So-Comprehensive Guide to Furnace Installation

Monday, January 6th, 2020

Are you in the market for a new furnace? Yes? Well then, you’ve come to the right place! We are your furnace experts and we are here to help!

We know just how overwhelming investing in a new furnace can be, and let’s face it: it’s no small task! In fact, we find that many homeowners don’t quite know where to start. But, you’re in luck!

Below, we have provided you with our Not-So-Comprehensive Guide to Furnace Installation, that way, you’ll know just what to do when the time comes. All you have to do is keep reading to learn more (and of course, remember to call our team when you need a great furnace contractor in Birmingham, AL!)

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Signs It’s Time for a New Furnace

Monday, March 5th, 2018

Technician-Testing-FurnaceWe’re getting close to the end of winter, which means it’s time to evaluate your heating system to see if it merits keeping for another season. It may seem an odd time to decide whether or not your furnace is ready for next winter. Consider, though, that if you’re not going to keep it for another season it’s a good idea to replace it now. That way you don’t have to worry about replacing it the week before you need to use it. The following are some of the most common indications that your furnace is nearing the end of its life, and should be replaced before next season starts.

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Some of the Most Common Signs You Need a New Furnace

Monday, February 6th, 2017

thermometerAssuming you do everything right, you can get your furnace to last quite a while in ideal circumstances. At some point, though, you’re going to need to install a new system. If your furnace is unable to keep your home heated through another winter, it’s best to be able to recognize it now. Running the system until it permanently breaks down doesn’t really serve your needs. It’s best to replace it a bit early, so you don’t have an extended interruption in service. Have a look at some of the signs that you really need a new furnace.

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