Douglas Cooling & Heating Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Birmingham’

What is an Inverter Air Conditioner

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Central air conditioners are a classic. They’ve been around for a long time and they’ve come a long way. Many homes still have these systems even as heat pumps and ductless systems increase in popularity.

As time has passed, central ACs have started to offer some new features too. This has resulted in the creation of inverter air conditioners. Inverter systems are central air conditioners that have a unique ability that will help you save some extra cash and stay even more comfortable.

Interested? Read on to learn more and then contact us to schedule your inverter AC installation.

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These Sounds From Your AC Mean Trouble

Monday, April 25th, 2022

woman-covering-her-earsWhat do you hear when you use your air conditioner? Do you hear your thermostat click on and hear your AC begin to produce a steady whoosh of cool air? If this is an accurate description of what you experience when your system is on, then your system is probably in pretty good shape.

But what if what you hear is a little different? What if it is really different?

An air conditioner that is making one or more new, concerning noises is a system that really needs an expert AC repair in Birmingham, AL. Let’s look at the noises you should be on the alert for so you know when to contact us for service.

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Kick Off The Season With a New AC Unit

Monday, April 11th, 2022

FanWhen the weather around here heats up, it can get really hot. This is why it makes sense that you would want the best possible air conditioner in your home to fend off that heat. So then the question becomes which system is the right one for you if you are in need of a new AC?

Anyone on the hunt for a new cooling system is going to want to take care of the task quickly. That is why we want you to know that we can help. Let’s discuss what your options are for your next AC installation in Birmingham, AL so you can choose the best one for your needs and get your service scheduled.

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The Impact of a Clogged Condensate Drain

Monday, January 17th, 2022

Heat pump mini split systems are incredibly helpful for keeping homes in our area comfortable throughout the year. While these systems offer great benefits to their owners, they do also require expert care to continue doing what they do. No system can work effectively or efficiently forever and most systems will fail early without professional services. A heat pump is no different.

Loose parts and electrical issues aren’t the only repair issues that a heat pump may encounter though. Clogged condensate drains are a fairly common heat pump repair in Birmingham, AL that our team can help address. Here is what you need to know about clearing your heat pump’s condensate line.

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Does Your Furnace Have a Cracked Heat Exchanger?

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

gas-burnerDo you have a gas-powered furnace in your home? If so, you likely are able to rely on it on even the coldest of days to keep you warm. This system is known for being reliable and powerful. Over time though, regular wear and tear is going to take its toll on your furnace and create problems. One of the worst problems that your gas furnace can develop as it ages is a cracked heat exchanger.

If something goes awry with your heater, you’ll want to reach out to an expert for furnace service in Birmingham, AL. Specifically, you need repairs! But how quickly do you need repairs? And how severe of an issue is a cracked heat exchanger? We’ll get into more details about this repair issue below.

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How to Tell Your Water Heater Is About To Give Up

Monday, December 20th, 2021

No one likes the idea of trying to enjoy a warm shower only to be hit by a blast of cold water. This may be a highly effective way to wake up but it is an uncomfortable way to start the day, to say the least. This is avoidable by staying on top of system maintenance and repairs in most cases. However, these services aren’t always enough.

After years of hard work, your water heater may be ready to give up. This means that you will end up with a system that refuses to operate no matter how many repairs it gets. The best thing to do is replace your water heater ahead of time to avoid this situation of course. The question is, how do you know when you need to invest in a new water heater in Birmingham?

We can give you the details below.

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Professional Heating Repairs Give the Gift of Peace of Mind

Monday, December 6th, 2021

When your heater starts to act up, what are you going to do? No, you shouldn’t need to prepare for heater malfunctions every year but these issues do pop up. When repairs rear their head, the question is whether or not you have a plan to handle them.

Thankfully, as long as you have our contact information on hand, you don’t need much more of a plan to deal with the situation. Our team is here to handle any heating repair in Birmingham, AL effectively and efficiently. With our help and knowledge of the warning signs we’ve provided below, you can enjoy a worry-free season knowing your heater is in great hands.

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The Best Way To Prevent Furnace Trouble: Annual Maintenance

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

No one wants to find themselves without a working furnace in the middle of winter. Repairs will pop up over the course of your system’s lifespan of course but what if there was a way to prevent a majority of them? We have good news: there is a way!

System maintenance scheduled each year can make a huge difference for the long-term operation of your furnace heater. And you will be happy to hear that, if you haven’t scheduled maintenance yet, it isn’t too late! Let’s discuss the benefits of scheduling maintenance each year for your heating system.

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What to Know About Energy Efficiency Ratings in Your Next AC

Monday, September 13th, 2021

You wouldn’t want to invest in an air conditioner that uses an excessive amount of energy to do a poor job at cooling your home. This is avoidable thankfully by the fact that modern systems are made to be as energy-efficient as possible. This is shown with the rating information that is clearly visible on each model. However, if you are looking at the energy efficiency ratings of an AC but you don’t know what they mean, they won’t do you much good.

How do you know if the energy efficiency rating on a system is the right level for your home? Is there such a thing as too much? These are questions we are happy to help answer. Let us give you a brief introduction on what you need to know about energy efficiency ratings on air conditioning systems so you can make an educated decision when it comes time for an AC replacement in Birmingham, AL.

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Is Your Water Heater Done? 5 Signs That It Is

Monday, August 16th, 2021

No one ever wants their water heater to fail. However, there will come a time when every water heater reaches the end of its lifespan and needs to be replaced. The question is, has that time come for your system?

At times it can be hard to figure out whether your need a water heater replacement in Birmingham, AL. After all, how can you be sure unless you can’t get any hot water at all? Believe it or not, there are indicators that will tell you the time has come to retire your current system before you have no hot water at all. And you can always come to our team to get confirmation and the service you need.

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