Signs That You Need to Replace Your Air Conditioner Before Summer Starts

March 20th, 2017

We’re just a few weeks away from cooling season, which means soon you’ll be using your air conditioner to keep comfortable on a daily basis. That means more stress on the system, which means a greater chance of all kinds of issues occurring. Before you start using your air conditioner this cooling season, make sure that it’s actually able to cope with another year of service. If not, you should have it replaced as soon as possible. Watch for signs that your air conditioner needs to be replaced.

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Electrical Blanket Safety Tips You Should Know

March 6th, 2017

A lot of homeowners have an electrical blanket or two, just for those really cold nights where a bit more heat is needed. As comfy as they are, though, one can’t help making use of one without noticing the massive warnings printed all over part of it. Reading through them, it can sometimes seem like you’re taking your very life in your hands when you use one. Fortunately, electric blankets are perfectly safe if you know how to use one properly.

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How Your Electrical Panel Works, and What You Need to do to Maintain it

February 20th, 2017

You’ve probably made one or two trips to the electrical panel in the dark, when something causes the circuit to trip and shut off all the lights. While it may seem like an annoyance sometimes, the electrical panel is actually a very effective safety device. Without the panel, there would be nothing to regulate the flow of electricity through your home’s wiring, and that could get very dangerous indeed. Let’s take a look at how the electrical panel actually works, and what you can do to keep it in good shape.

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Some of the Most Common Signs You Need a New Furnace

February 6th, 2017

thermometerAssuming you do everything right, you can get your furnace to last quite a while in ideal circumstances. At some point, though, you’re going to need to install a new system. If your furnace is unable to keep your home heated through another winter, it’s best to be able to recognize it now. Running the system until it permanently breaks down doesn’t really serve your needs. It’s best to replace it a bit early, so you don’t have an extended interruption in service. Have a look at some of the signs that you really need a new furnace.

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Is it Really Worth it to Install a Tankless Water Heater?

January 23rd, 2017


So your water heater has finally died on you, and you’re looking for a new one so you don’t have to take ice baths anymore. Tankless water heaters have been getting a lot of attention in the industry lately, and you may have even had a professional or two recommend it to you in the past. Tankless water heaters have plenty to recommend them, but like practically all systems they are not a “one-size-fits-all” water heating solution. It’s important that you know at least a little bit about the differences between tankless water heaters and other water heater types, before you settle on a type that you feel would suit your needs best.

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What to do if Your Circuit Breaker is Tripping Constantly

January 16th, 2017

Circuit breakers serve an important purpose in the home electrical system. They’re designed to improve the safety of the system by preventing it from overloading. When the current flowing through the system is too much, the breaker trips to break the circuit. Typically, all that’s needed to restore proper function is for the circuit breaker to be reset. If the circuit breaker keeps tripping, though, it’s a sign that you have a more serious problem.

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Beware These Water Heater Problems

January 9th, 2017

Water heaters are built to be as sturdy as possible, but they’re also one of the hardest working appliances in your home. Operating day and night for years puts a lot of wear and tear on the system, which makes it more and more likely for problems to occur. It’s important that you keep watch for any problems that might crop up with your water heater, and one of the best ways to do that is to be familiar with symptoms that the system is in trouble.

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Why Your Water Heater Might be Having Trouble Providing Hot Water

January 2nd, 2017

Water heater output can be low for any number of reasons. Sometimes it’s simply because you put too much demand on it for too long a period of time. Sometimes, though, it’s actually because of a problem with the system. If you’re water heater is struggling to provide enough hot water, and you’re not sure why, read on to find out.

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Carbon Monoxide Knowledge That Could Save Your Life

December 26th, 2016

It’s not a subject anyone wants to talk about, but it’s a serious one that needs to be discussed: carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a rare, but deadly occurrence that happens several thousand times a year in the United States. It can happen as a result of a malfunctioning heater, but it can happen naturally, as well. The best way to protect against carbon monoxide poisoning is to know the signs that it’s happening, and to know how to defend against it. With that, let’s go over some information that can help keep you safe this winter.

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Why You Should Upgrade Your Thermostat More Often

December 19th, 2016

The thermostat is the brain of any climate control system. Without it, your heater and air conditioner wouldn’t be much good to you. Despite the thermostat’s importance to climate control, though, many homeowners neglect to upgrade them as often as they should. This creates a wide range of issues, both in terms of comfort and energy efficiency. Read on to find out more about why you should upgrade your thermostat more often.

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