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Can My Attic Fan Be Repaired?


An attic fan is a fantastic way to improve your comfort and lower your energy bills in a hot climate. Since hot air rises, and the sun will always hit your roof first, the temperature up in your attic can get outrageous! With an attic fan, that temperature can be brought down by as much as fifty degrees, with no need to crank up the AC.

However, just like your attic is mostly out of your sight and thus not at the forefront of your mind, your attic fan can also be forgotten. Have you paid any attention to it lately? If your attic fan is struggling or not working properly, we can help you determine what’s wrong, and either fix it for you or replace it. If it’s getting on in age and would need a costly repair to keep running, attic fan replacement in Birmingham, AL is the better option. Let’s explain.

How Long Attic Fans Last

When it comes to a fan, most of the structural components, like fan blades, can last a very long time. Replacement, in this case, means replacing the motor. While attic fan motors are generally expected to last t10-15 years, that number does tend to go down in hotter and more humid environments. And we certainly have some heat and humidity around here!

Signs of Attic Fan Trouble

In the hope of keeping that motor running for as many years as possible, it’s best to catch problems early. This way, it’s more likely that your attic fan can be repaired, and full motor replacement won’t be necessary. This means you’ll need to pay attention to any signs that something is wrong with your attic fan.

  • Noise: If the sound of your attic fan’s operation has gotten louder, or if you’re noticing any new sounds, like buzzing, rattling, or grinding, you definitely need to get professional attic fan repair.
  • Failure to Turn On: First, check your electrical panel. All you’re dealing with may be a tripped circuit breaker. But if your attic fan keeps overloading the circuit, or if the circuit hasn’t been tripped but the fan still won’t turn on, you’ve got an electrical issue that requires repair.
  • Failure to Turn Off: In this case, you know it’s not the circuit breaker! It may be an issue with the electrical wiring, but it could also be a thermostat problem. If the fan is simply never receiving the signal to turn off, you might just need thermostat recalibration or repair.
  • Fan Blades Won’t Spin: What if you can hear that the motor is, indeed, running—but the fan’s blades aren’t moving at all? This is most likely to be due to a disconnected or frayed wire. Shut off the motor and schedule an appointment, because all the fan is doing now is wasting energy.
  • Odors: Your attic fan might stir up some dust when you first turn it on, but other than that, it should not negatively affect your air quality. If you smell something, especially something hot, scorching, or fishy, turn the fan off. The smell of overheating means you’re at serious risk of electrical fire. Contact us promptly so we can assess it.

Repair or Replacement

Whether to repair or replace the motor can be considered once your technician takes a good look at the problem. If it’s relatively new, or the repair would be minor, it’s more likely that you’ll want to fix the motor.

“Your experience is what matters most!” Contact Douglas Cooling & Heating today for help with all your attic fan needs.

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